Monday, December 10, 2012


I’m going to do another 20 minute challenge, given one word: ‘Glass’. I know I haven’t written in six months, and probably can’t write a decent thing to save my life anymore but here goes.


It’s so pristine, and clear and flawless.
 It didn't used to be, but that’s how it’s become.
 It used to scare you if it smashed to the ground, a million little pieces you couldn't see.
How it would hurt you, and tear through your skin, or maybe lodge in somewhere where you could never find it, until it tore through your insides.
 It is transparent like the truth you wish you could hide from everyone, but even your reflection screams it.
In its perfection, it is daunting.
 A plane so smooth, like a gateway into somewhere secret,
It’s waiting.
 It is a barrier; unyielding.
 Steady and high, it keeps you.
 Scratch the walls, and hear their screeches
You've come so far.  
But why do you stop, when you can see everything behind it?
These hands are too small to break glass walls,
 but maybe they’ll paint them red.