purple bruises.... Is the beauty and pain in colour.
Shortened trees.... Is the dismissal of nature.
Flared noses... Is anger and regret.
Up and down...Is disorder.
Rattle snakes....Is the concealment of deadly nature, using a pretty, seemingly harmless exterior.
Running water in iron binds... Is the entrapment of something that can't be contained.
Mountains of cream.... Is greatness built on air.
Empires of dust....Is the regret over the greatness that used to be, which is now dust.
Sandy seashores, and jellyfish men...Is the encouragement of cowardice.
Mindless ducks... ducks don't cluck they quack, which symbolises the imitation of something inferior to gain acceptance.
Caramelised sugar....Is overdoing something good, until its ruined.The consequences of extremities.
A breeze... That's the people that carry on like nothing has happened, bearing the smells or signs of burnt sugar.( loss and despair)
And laugh and scream...Because they don't know what to do with themselves.
Oblivious,happy....Is joy in ignorance, the primitive fear is the fear of the unknown.
I didn't get it alone but with the interpretation its so poetic! :)
ReplyDeleteI Looooove it !
ReplyDeletewho knew you could be poetic !;)
Keep Goingg (Y)
I can say that no one can predict what you write. You change your style everytime. It is great. I love it.
ReplyDeleteKeep it up.
wow this is amazingg mashAllah! ur thinking is just so mature and ur really sensitive! i specially like the jelly fish men part wich shows cowardice. its cute and meaningful!!
ReplyDeletekeep it up girl! and as i said before, publish some of ur work in funtimes =)
luv <>
It's beautiful, makes the mind draw pictures and go to places you created :D.. you are really creative, you have to post more !! =D
ReplyDeletekeep going ;)
Thankyou all, for your kind words of encouragement, I hope in the future to be able to post more and squeeze more crazy juice. For all annonymous commentors, thankyou aswell, but please leave your name or some form of identification as I seem to be down on psychic telepathy this month.
You are a genius. Period.
ReplyDeleteIt's beyond amazing, way to go ;)
Can't wait for the short story!
Like all good art, you may not follow word for word but the whole meaning touches your heart.
ReplyDeleteIn fact i interpreted many things differntly than how it is explained so there is possibly many facets like precious diamonds.
Keep them comin
ReplyDeleteI love it
great job:D
Now!! did you write this one yourself? or it is quoted from somewhere?
ReplyDeletePresuming that you did write it then the short lines and the repetitive rythm is reminiscent of nursery rhyme stuff not so much in keeping with the subtlity and inacessability of the whole poem. I have to admit that some of the metaphors are absolutely amazing and make me very proud of you. but then again subtility in itself should only serve as medium of deliver when such medium is needed rather than being purpose in itself lest it should be edging on pretenciousness!!!.The glossary at the end shows how beatiful your expressions are but ofcourse having to add one proves the point.The main problem however still is they dont add up to make one comprehensible idea. Having said that ,you defintely are gifted with words and expressions and it is fair enough that you toy with words and expressions until you can find a style that you can call your own. But always remember that write to express AN IDEA rather than make a show case of your liguistic dexterity and skillfulness
I like carmalised onions mmmmm very yummy on a nice veal steak. should I give you the recipe
ReplyDeleteWow, this is so beautiful, the translation was amazing !