Monday, September 27, 2010

Writing for idiots, and bored minds 101.

This column, has absolutely no scientific basis and is not supported by any particular school of , for the amateur writer who doesn't have much time to read 600 pages worth of 'how to write', I've concluded a few easy steps towards gathering your thoughts into meaningful and coherent pieces.

  1. Never let an idea go to waste. Seriously even the silliest thoughts maybe acts of genius, without you knowing it. Even if the idea doesn't fit into the context of what you're writing at the time. Just write it down! Even a very brief plot can be merged into another story, making it much more interesting and brilliant!
  2. You never know when inspiration is going to rain down on you. J.K Rowling thought of Harry Potter on the train. So simply be prepared. With the advancements in technology, most people can write down anything, anywhere on their mobile phone. If you have a touch screen that drives you mad! (like mine), then it would be wise to carry around a small notebook.
  3. Writer's block is the worse thing that can happen to a writer. Been there, done that. It's frustrating and sometimes intolerably cruel! But it passes, so chill! So when you feel like your well has dried up: listen to some music, read something, or better yet watch some television. My English teacher once told me, that the night before an exam all you have to do is watch show series. However unlikely that may seem, it really does help.
  1. Every great poem or story holds an even better personal story for it's writer. SO WHEN YOU'RE ANGRY WRITE! It helps, plus it's usually awesome.
  2. Don't be weird.To write what is best, you must write what you know. Or you can go completely crazy, which is even better!
Well that's all I have for today. Join us again for another episode of writing for idiots and bored minds :D

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