An ambiance of still.
And though my hopes do try,
My dreams unfold and scatter,
Is sparingly the same,
The cynic, placid minds.
''He won't see me,'' said Tantan, looking around. '' Oh look! There it is! There it is!'',sang Tantan.
Tantan was now looking at a large straw picnic basket that had been placed on the pebbled ground at the shore of the lake.
The afternoon sun, sent a radiance down on the basket that gave it a mysterious glow.
Finding the source of the honey brought alive a world of possibility in Tantan's head.
''Maybe the human's gone and left the basket,'' thought Tantan, ''Well, isn't that nice of it?''
Tantan was starting to lose control of his muscles. He was sliding, almost unknowingly, off the rock and towards the basket. He dived into the water, humming tunes of joy, and swam towards the shore.
''What are you DOING?'',yelled Frego after Tantan, ''Have you completely LOST YOUR MIND?''.
''Tantan! TANTAN! COME BACK!,'' screamed Frego.But it was too late. Tantan was now happily making his way out of the water, onto the shore.
''Yummy, Yummy, Yum!'' sang Tantan, as he approached the golden basket.
Tantan disregarded Frego's cries and hopped right into the picnic basket.
Frego watched Tantan jump into the basket, and became furious. ''I should just leave him there and let the human find him,''thought Frego. But despite himself ,Frego found that he was slowly making his way toward the shore.
Frego pulled his head out of the water ''Tantan! TANTAN! GET OUT NOW!'' yelled Frego.
Tantan was too deep in the basket to hear Frego.
Frego swam to the shore and hopped slowly towards the basket. As he approached the basket the smell of the honey grew stronger, drawing him closer, and more quickly, until he was in the basket with Tantan.
Frego found Tantan sitting in the shadow of a loaf of bread, covered in honey, with a dazed and delirious look on his face.
Frego raised an eyebrow as if to question the cause behind Tantan's present state of mind.
''The honey.. hahahaha!... tryyyyy the honeeey!'', said Tantan, giggling and hiccuping.
''The human's due back any-'',said Frego, but he had become distracted by the magnificent scent, and could barely form coherent thoughts. ''Maybe just one taste,''thought Frego hungrily.
Frego looked around to see a large transparent jar of honey. It kicked his salivary glands into action, but before he could even get close to the jar, the basket began to shake. The sudden frightening movements, pulled Tantan out of his daze, and he was overcome with fear. The entire contents of the basket had started moving, everything began to roll around and tumble over, each object threatening to crush the two little frogs.
''What's happening?'',asked Tantan. ''The human is back,'' answered Frego, as the two frogs jumped and leaped over various moving objects.
''WE'RE GOING TO DIE!! WE'RE GOING TO DIEE!', moaned Tantan.
''Quiet. We are not going to die,'' said Frego, saying it to himself more than to Tantan.
''Frego I'm sorry I didn't listen to you,'' said Tantan in a timid voice, avoiding Frego's eyes.
''Well, let's just add this event to the list of many other glorious events, when you didn't listen to me, and...'' said Frego sourly.
''where do u think it's taking us?'' asked Tantan.
''Could be anywhere,'' said Frego closing his eyes and preparing himself for the journey ahead, wondering whether he would ever be able to return to his favorite lilypad.
To be continued....
purple bruises.... Is the beauty and pain in colour.
Shortened trees.... Is the dismissal of nature.
Flared noses... Is anger and regret.
Up and down...Is disorder.
Rattle snakes....Is the concealment of deadly nature, using a pretty, seemingly harmless exterior.
Running water in iron binds... Is the entrapment of something that can't be contained.
Mountains of cream.... Is greatness built on air.
Empires of dust....Is the regret over the greatness that used to be, which is now dust.
Sandy seashores, and jellyfish men...Is the encouragement of cowardice.
Mindless ducks... ducks don't cluck they quack, which symbolises the imitation of something inferior to gain acceptance.
Caramelised sugar....Is overdoing something good, until its ruined.The consequences of extremities.
A breeze... That's the people that carry on like nothing has happened, bearing the smells or signs of burnt sugar.( loss and despair)
And laugh and scream...Because they don't know what to do with themselves.
Oblivious,happy....Is joy in ignorance, the primitive fear is the fear of the unknown.